Thread: Donating fabric
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Old 11-03-2016, 04:57 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Gaylord, MN
Posts: 3,953

Like so many of you I'm trying to downsize as we may be moving from our large farmhouse to something smaller within a couple of years. We've had a farm auction already and I got rid of a lot. I've donated fabric to a group that make dresses to little girls in Africa. I just finished my 8th scrappy quilt which I am giving to nieces and nephews and I finally see my stash going down, finally. Now I need to concentrate on homes for my 99k and my spinning wheel. How we accumulate over the years and when you have a big house you just accumulate more. So what am I doing this Saturday - going on a shop hop, but I will be very very selective.
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