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Old 01-23-2017, 05:03 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Georgia
Posts: 145

Originally Posted by countrymaid View Post
I wasn't going to jump on this year. The last two years I just had a nice ride along. I lost my parents in that time and just now feel like I can live for myself again. The local sewing group did an all day sew on Saturday and I took my 4 patch posey to work on. I learned to do sashing with corner stones, what a difference it made. Now for some boarders to finish the top. It won't be a January finish but I feel excited to sew again. Thank you for all the encouragement you give to each other. You are a true blessing to many of us.
Glad you are here, Countrymaid. Quilting was very therapeutic when my mom died. She had started a quilt for her not-yet-born granddaughter when she died unexpectedly. I finished the quilt, working during the night when I couldn't sleep. It was a way to stay connected to her and really helped me as I tried to process what had happened. Today, I am making a quilt for that granddaughter's brother, to be born any day now. This quilt is very special to me because I feel like I am doing it for my mom, who made sure all her grandchildren had very special quilts.
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