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Old 02-03-2010, 05:28 PM
Junior Member
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 231

I started getting grey hairs at age 14, as did my mother and grandmother before me.
My hairdresser advised using temp color a shade or 2 lighter than my natural color. I did and got lots of compliments on my "Highlights".
I stoped coloring my hair when I became so grey that my roots were constantly showing. My hair started thinning, also a family trait amongst our women. Putting the chemicals on my scalp concerned me so I stopped coloring and perming.
It always looked so goofy that I accepted the fact that I couldn't do a better job than God and let nature take it's course. That was about 3 years ago. I turned 51 last November.
Sometimes I really have to fight the urge to color again..oh where does the youth go?
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