Old 03-18-2017, 02:24 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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did a bunch of FMQ on an art quilt UFO that has a top made of Lutradur with a fabric collage behind that then the batting and backing. Once I'd finished the FMQ on the sandwich I used a heat gun to "lace" it. Lacing is a technique where you melt the Lutradur using heat. If you've stitched with cotton thread, then that holds the melted Lutradur in place producing a lacy effect. Now I'm letting it sit for a while so I can decide what more I need to do to it.

Tonight I'll do some handwork on another art piece that is a collaboration with a musician/artist friend. He painted and I've FMQ'd, now just needs some finishing touches and then binding. Will probably be working on that tomorrow too when some old winemaking friends come to visit.

Hopefully tomorrow morning before our visitors show up I can make a good start on an art piece that I'm doing with DH. He made a digital collage from a photo he took of a landscape and fish then printed it on fabric and I'm quilting and otherwise embellishing it.

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