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Old 09-12-2017, 07:08 AM
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Mich
Posts: 4

Im Kaye Marshall in Grand blanc Mi. I have joined the group and am collecting blocks but NOT for the reason you might think!! I am going to Texas in another week and hope to get some done while there. I Work for my Son-in-Law as Executive Administrator to his Construction Company. Our Office was run out of his house which burned to ground on June 12th. ALL was lost except people and pets. The Office has been relocated in my house and the work load has been astronomical. Recreating all files and documents plus everyday work load to keep the business running. We have been forced to re-asses how we file documents "SCAN AND PUT THEM ON THE CLOUD". ( )) I so badly want to be a part of this!!! As soon as I get to Texas I will post some of my previous work and Projects that I'm presently working on (which are on hold) and do my best to get several of the blocks put together. I am looking forward to the much needed rest!!! My sister has always told me when I get too stressed "STOP AND FONDLE MY FABRIC". I've always laughed at that phrase!!! But guess what "IT WORKS"))))) Very sincerely Kaye Marshall
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