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Old 02-21-2018, 09:28 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Central Missouri
Posts: 462

Oh how I wish we were close to you, would take it off your hands no problem, but since I'm not, I can
only wish. Some local quilting guilds in your area could certainly put this to good use.

We make quilts for people who lose their home and possesions to fire and are always looking for material as
we have no funds due to our age and not being able to have fund raisers any longer and members being
on limited incomes.

Good luck in finding someone who can use is and is close by. Being in Central Mo. is too far from
the Dallas Ft Worth area to come after it and we don't have the funds to ship it, so as I said before I
can only wish and dream.
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