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Old 02-09-2019, 09:15 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,106

if you paid attention to the information posted below each and every one of my posts, you'd know the proper contact eddress for matters concerning the emails and digest.

an easy - and permanent - solution is to never rely on either one.

The first and most important thing to remember is that the emails and digests are not the board.
They only list a smattering of the most viewed threads.
Those are rarely the newest threads and barely scratch the surface of all that's available here.

You don't need the emails in order to access the board.
You don’t need the digests, either.

To start at the Home Page, go to

Want to see the newest threads? Go to
That’s the Archive, which lists threads in reverse order - newest first.

Want to see the threads with the newest comments added?
Go to and then click on What’s New.

If you want to see the digests, go to

You can add any or all of those links to your browser favorites/bookmarks, put a shortcut on your desktop, or (if you are a total QB junkie like me) you can make it your home page.

Try using the direct route.
You might find you like it better. :-)

Check your junk/spam folder.

If you cannot bear the thought of doing things the easy way, consider the following:

Even though you have asked to receive the emails, many services treat them like junk anyway.
They disable the links or send them straight to spam/junk.
They sometimes don’t make it through to user inboxes – not even to the junk folders.

Also, if you have not already added the QB to your email’s safe senders list, please do:

Please take the following steps to add a contact to your safe senders list:
1. Open your email account (example: AOL, Gmail, Yahoo! or Outlook).
2. Locate your “address book” or “contacts”.
3. Add [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] to your address book or list of contacts.
4. Save your changes.

If your email program provides for it, also add [email protected], and to your list of safe senders (or the equivalent).
  • necessity is the mother of invention. lazy is the crazy aunt.
  • for issues regarding the reminder emails, please contact [email protected]
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