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Old 06-24-2019, 04:41 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Yorkville, IL
Posts: 7,639

Hey! Quilting keeps us off the streets! I love my fabric, my machines and the quilts I make. I learn more all the time and know my work is improving. I love going to a quilt store though I need nothing. My fabric collection is neat and my cat and I love working together. I have a room for my fabric with cutting tables, ironing board and iron and a big ottoman for Peach. My sewing room has machines, iron and ironing board and a chair and bed for Peach. He actually tries to “herd” me in there. I am off today to my favorite quilt store and while I need nothing, I already know I won’t come home empty handed. Like gran of 6, I am a widow....a busy widow!��
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