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Old 11-19-2019, 03:49 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Florida
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It does get frustrating, NZquilter. If you are still nursing, give yourself a break. That takes alot out of your body. I know there are some that say you lose weight nursing, for me it was no way, I was starving most of the time. They unveiled the new programs and it's essentially one where you track everything have a few free points, track somethings and have more free points, then track almost nothing and have alot of free points. I stuck with the one that's in the middle but I've read that some are really losing by tracking everything. Your points change depending upon how many things you track. If I hit a plateau, I'll start tracking everything.

If Moonrise is still here, I saw your Vogel pictures. DH and I walking to AnnaRuby Falls is one of the main things that made me want to go back to WW. We spent a wonderful week up there at the Dailey & Vincent Bluegrass Festival.
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