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Old 11-19-2019, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by NZquilter View Post
I'm seriously discouraged with my weight loss. I have only lost five pounds since this August. I am going to be honest, I have cancelled my WW. I'm trying intermittent fasting and going to the gym three times a week, but still not losing weight. I've lost inches, but not weight. I think it's because I'm nursing and my body is refusing to let go of the pregnancy weight. Very discouraging!!
Oh my gosh don't be discouraged!!! Losing inches is awesome!! Your clothes are fitting better and you feel better, right? Isn't that what you want? So who cares what the stupid scale says!!

This reminded me of when I was a member at Curves many years ago. There was a woman who had been working out and losing weight for about a year. She had never been physically active, so her body was changing and it was amazing to those of us who were watching her go after it. She was gaining muscle tone and losing fat. She lost something like 50-60 pounds, but she was so focused on reaching her "goal weight" - that magic number that she thought would make her life perfect - that she couldn't hear us telling her how awesome she was looking. Muscle is denser than fat, which means a pound of muscle takes up way less room than a pound of fat. So as you work off the fat and gain muscle, you become fitter and trimmer, but the scale doesn't swing as much. Unfortunately, she became discouraged and disgusted with the scale and quit. Please don't make this mistake!
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