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Old 01-17-2020, 02:48 PM
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 47

I'm echoing everyone that says this is a totally do-able quilt. My brain is pretty chaotic but some of those clues were information overload! I think it's a combination of trying to explain thoroughly for those who need it (she's a teacher, that's what she does), trying to explain a few alternate methods when possible, trying to keep the mystery, and trying to keep a wide range of people challenged along the way. The reveal could have been broken down into at least a couple more weekly clues, but it wasn't. Of course this is not my quilt, not my blog, not my circus, so I'll happily deal with what we've been given without complaining!

For me, given how my brain works and the kinds of quilts I tend to make, the toughest part has been keeping the matching sets matching all along the way. I don't think any of the individual parts are beyond the abilities of a determined beginner.

This is the third Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt I've sewn. I have a few others cut and ready to go, but I have those in clue form also. I can't speak to what the mystery instructions look like when unscrambled and written as a regular pattern, but this one might be worth waiting to purchase if you love the quilt but found the clues to be too confusing.
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