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Old 08-18-2020, 12:08 PM
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Join Date: May 2020
Location: Sunset Coast of Michigan
Posts: 984
Default Mail outs and musings

I think it is best to communicate with the person who will be receiving, for example, I have been posting progress pics for IceB so that she can have her ideas percolating while I am working, I think it helps. That way, if the next person might need some of your fabric to coordinate, there is no hard feelings or stepped toes, so to speak and having a jump start on the center as progress is being made, is so helpful. I've always mailed a few days early with priority, because the post office is running behind. This last border was a mad dash to the finish--I ran out of background fabric and had a heck of a time finding something that would coordinate, my center fan was a tad big, the appliqued leaves didn't flip perfectly, etc. etc. etc. I think as we go along, the borders get bigger and if there is applique, it just takes a bit longer. I worked on my current round right away (stayed up until midnight finishing blocks), but the second half will be tricky. I'll be working on it tonight again, and I'm excited for the progress. THANKS everyone for sending yellows, oranges and reds. I actually used some yellow in my last round from the donations and it was the perfect hue. I really appreciate all of you, your inspiration, posting your progress, and I'm amazed at the huge variety of the quilts so far in this group. Hugs!!!!
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