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Old 09-02-2020, 03:47 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,122

Those wonderful bees! I'm so glad the package was found. Bummer that it isn't part of my group (I had such the idea!!), but I'm so happy to see it delivered and in progress.

The leaves are on my current round/Givio's center and I'm still debating on how wide to cut that final narrow float edge, but I'll be sending Mary a message that I am ready to mail when she is ready to receive. I was able to show my Tuesday group, and the comfort quilt is quilted -- it just keeps getting better and better looking, and is at the one lady's for binding. Another one will be making the label, I don't get much credit other than a few extra blocks, layout, and providing the backing but it is a group project. Many hands making light work Our friend's husband did get out of the hospital and is doing as well as hoped but she was unable to join us yesterday, we are hoping she will be able to be there next week for the quilt presentation.

I have a few more pinks and orange and other odds and ends that will be going to Rebecca. I found a box that I thought I sent two months ago still in my sewing room, good thing is that it was a random donation and not something being waited on... One other fabric package that will also be going to the post office.

So -- if anyone is in need of care packages of fabric or other things, I have a day or two to get it together and I'm going to the post office anyway. Please let me know, plenty of time and fabric and packaging on hand.

Still two weeks before my trip. Next day or two will be transition between projects and getting out the Frolic UFO again.

I have some ideas about LeeAnn's center coming to me next -- and this morning I got a new one I'm pretty excited about!
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