Thread: 1st FMQ Block
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Old 01-06-2021, 09:09 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 289

I've not done a lot of anything lately, other than cutting all the needed pieces for my next quilt top.

I do volunteer work up at the local Observatory and Nature Center. My last two years has been creating a lower parking lot, and I have about two more weeks of work. The lot is about 150 feet by 60 feet, and I had to do it all by hand, as the foundation doesn't have a lot of money. One reason why they depend on volunteers and donations.

I'm basically the unofficial groundskeeper for the 15 acres they own. I pretty much just work in about a 3 acre area where the observatory is, which seems to be the biggest attraction when it is open. Right now our campus is closed due to the COVID pandemic, and the fact most of our board members, and volunteers are over 65 years of age. Me, approaching 71, and can still run rings around the younger people. :-)

Anyway, I will make a bunch of things about the size of a table runner to practise my FMQing, but I believe I will be doing like pbraun, using rulers and templates to keep my patterns consistent.. I'm also making some plastic patterns I will use to trace, with a a pen that I can erase with an iron. I seem to be fairly good at following the lines I draw. I just have to do a lot of starting and stopping as I go along, so I can get around curves a bit more accurately.
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