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Old 09-18-2022, 02:40 PM
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I opened my packages late this afternoon, before and after photos below, and I am so honored and surprised at the beauties that you sent and for the little surprises too. It will be a short while before I can put the squares into my 2022 Birthday Swap Quilt because I have several WIPs that need to be brought to a good stopping point first.

Did any one do the Jelly Roll Day event yesterday? I did but fizzled out late in the day and became a couch slug for the evening rather than finish the rows. All the blocks are made, just need to construct the final 5 rows. The end result is I have some jelly roll strips left over and you know what those will make............ more 2.5s! Tee-Hee-Hee.

Again, thank you all for the envelopes of little squares that made my day special and a celebration.
Attached Thumbnails 2022-09-18-birthday-swap-2022-after.jpg  

Last edited by patricej; 09-19-2022 at 08:41 PM.
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