Old 12-30-2022, 07:12 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,411

For the last couple weeks I've been destashing my sewing room, giving away totes full of fleece, lace and ribbons. ALso destashed both my garages once I got 220V heaters installed just in time for this deep freeze so many of us got. Anyway, garages are all neatly rearranged with new metal shelving so now I can actually see what I have and can get to it.

On the sewing side, I finally got my mojo back after a slump since October. Still have gone back to the quilt on the frame and I was so hoping to have it done and out of the house by the end of this year but nope. But I did design and start a quilt for a friend's new dog, Cowgirl (she's afraid of cows), using 8 orphan blocks from Quiltville's Smith Mtn pattern, plus enough cuts to make another block. Pulled out cutoffs, extra strips from that quilt and only a few scraps from the bins to make a total of 12 blocks plus 90+ 4X - 3" finished blocks to go around the body of blocks. So the only yardage to cut was for the striped sash and the border/binding. Even the 2nd sash is from strips already cut so I call this a freebie quilt. Got the body done, borders cut, striped sashing attached, and all the 4X blocks put together but still need trimming. I'll do that tomorrow as today is shopping day with my sister as we missed it last Friday due to the blizzard in our area.

I know I won't to the 2 quilts up on the design wall but the blocks are all done, just need to arrange and sew.
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