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Old 03-13-2023, 10:32 AM
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Join Date: May 2022
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Originally Posted by peaceandjoy
I'm in the "pick one and leave it" camp. I'm up early by nature, always have been and don't see it changing now. Last week, my husband needed to be picked up at the airport at 2AM due to a flight delay and then change. Got home at 3AM. I was still wide awake before 7.

Last year, for the first time, I noticed that the "fall back" change was as hard as the "spring forward". I've been retired for a few years, so I don't really lose sleep for the spring change. It's the change in schedule itself that throws me off, I guess.
The change in the schedule throws me off too. I am also retired and every time change knocks me for a loop for about the first few weeks. I'm an early riser no matter what the change is, but still, it seems to be an internal timing. The older I get the more I notice it. Then, by the time I really get used to the 'time change' it's time to change it again, and the loop starts all over again.
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