Old 12-23-2023, 06:21 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Southern USA
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I use a potato masher and peeler if doing my own potatoes
If having turkey it is a breast and carved served on a platter
Family prepares their own plates from kitchen and eat at formal dining room table. I stopped the food dishes on table years ago.A lot of extra work for nothing and someone has to remove it all.
No kids table but do have extra table in dining room.
I do Christmas Day night meal at my house. I won't wake up and prepare a big meal for noon. Nope. I buy premade sides from the local caterer. Taste like mine, nothing fancy just the basic sides. It's my holiday too.
We don't have to share family, my kids in-laws live in the same area. The in-laws do Christmas Eve, and the kids/grands stay home Christmas morning.
We don't have alcoholic drinks but permitted.
Husband does the meat in the smoker
No one has to clean up.. I use ALL disposables Prep dishes/pans are cleaned as I use them.
My daughter brings her miniature dog. We have a dog .
Enough meat leftovers for sandwiches the next day.
We are usually finished eating and gift opening by 9 pm and everyone goes home. The grands may decide stay the night.
Tree and decorations are put away usually by day two after Christmas. Things back to normal and getting ready for the New Year's Dinner.

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