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Old 01-17-2024, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by DJ View Post
I've thought of trying QAYG (Quilt As You Go) for some time now. Recently a friend started making quilts that way from a video by "Just Get It Done Quilts". She was very enthusiastic about it. I was inspired but that method didn't seem to fit the quilt I was working on. I decided to use the Pattern Poole 1 to 3 method. I was able to finish the quilt in relatively short time and am half way done with my second one. These are not large quilts, but I can see how this method would work for much larger quilts on my domestic machine. I'm very enthused and have a couple more quilts lined up!

Here's a link to that specific method. She has 5 different methods, all of which have their specific uses.

I'd love to hear your experiences with QAYG methods.
Thank you for posting that link! I've only done a QAYG for one Leah Day quilt along, and it had the strips in between blocks. I didn't mind those, and liked working on a block at a time, but never thought of it for other projects. Watching the Pattern Poole videos, it made me realize that this method is great if you have bits of batting leftover that are big enough to do a block at a time. I can definitely see doing it for a sampler or BOM quilt.
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