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Old 01-18-2024, 07:19 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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While many do not, I really like steam on my iron. I also like an "extra long" cord. I drop my iron a lot (or it falls off the ironing board) and have hard floors... they don't last all that long, maybe 5-7 years. So I usually buy a pretty cheap iron and don't get too attached, it is not worth it to me to have an expensive iron. While I can understand that auto-off is a safety feature some of them go off way too fast and don't heat up fast.

The last iron I got was this one, met my price point and is ok. I'm happy with the temperature and steam/spray. I'd like a longer cord and a larger foot print. Just bought it this summer and already fell off the ironing board and the cover to the water filler is slightly damaged...

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