Old 02-02-2024, 01:45 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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Apples&Oranges -- I hope you make and show us your Halloween version! Before the final review I was thinking about a Halloween version with orange instead of red and purple as the dark blue with green as the light blue... maybe with black as the neutral, it would be a very definite switch. Having seen the reveal, maybe making the red triangles into black witches hats and still using a light background would work. Would love to see what you come out with!!

My warning again to print out the clues now or to wait a couple weeks to buy the non-mystery version.

Not related -- but I do think the universe is telling me something by the picture quality, all were taken pretty much at the same time, the same way, and used the same camera, but the Hubby's favorite sure came out best in quality. I think I will be going with that, I already have the dark blue cut after all. Still considering what to do with the corners, keep with the red/blue HST I already have or make new ones that are more easily mitered.

I appreciate the positive feedback on the back -- part of me wants to go more navy. Part of me says it's fine and it's in stash and I already bought fabric for this mystery...
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