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Old 03-20-2024, 06:25 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
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Default Weird dentist advice

About a month ago I lost a crown on my right back tooth. Lucky me, I had covid and was housebound for about 2 weeks and then had wicked cough for another week. The tooth didn't hurt and no way would the dentist have seen me or been able to work on me during that time. I gave myself another week and then called about the tooth.

Dentist made room for me in her schedule the next day. She put in a temporary crown and warned me not to eat hard food, chewy food or sticky food. Alas, she didn't tell me me not to floss around the tooth!

You guessed it - 0ut came the temporary crown. So I called the dentist, and got an appointment for 8:15AM next day. She replaced the temporary crown and told me , "If it comes out again, use toothpaste to put it back in place."

It came out again several hours ago. I used toothpaste on the underside of the crown and put it back over the tooth. It's still there!

Who knew!
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