Old 04-28-2010, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Pam
Originally Posted by Candace
I ran into someone like her yesterday. She was a driver though, and had MAJOR road rage issues. She scared me half-to death and I was very close to dialing 911. She was yelling at me out of her window and pointing, riding my bumper for miles etc. And this was a parent from my local high school as we were dropping off our kids!! Great example she made.

You just have to accept that there are some very angry and bitter people out in the world. I try to feel pity and sorry for them, rather than let it get to me. Some folks really need to change their lives because the current one is NOT working for them!
Candace I have always said that if I knew I had one day left to live, I would take a big truck out and teach rude drivers good lessons. Admit it, didn't you REALLY want to slam on the breaks and mess up her front end?
You know, if I were really angry the thought would have crossed my mind. But the irrational venom spewing from this woman made me think she was mentally imbalanced. I wasn't angry, I was scared. There have been plenty of times, that I've been in typical road rage situations. This one felt different. I don't know how to explain it, other than my spider sense was tingling and major warning bells were going off.

LOL Billy, you're too much. I think the medical term may be "anus-orrifice seperitus".
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