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Old 04-29-2010, 10:21 AM
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Location: Nashua, NH
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Over the last couple of years, everytime my Admin saw one of my quilts, she'd say "Oh, I wish you'd teach me!" I kept offering but, as so often happens, life is busy and it didn't happen. :)

Well, we finally got off the pot, so to speak, and I am now teaching three women at work (including my wonderful Admin) to quilt. I wasn't quite sure how "dedicated" they were going to be but I have certainly been surprised!

We took advantage of the big 50% off sale at Joann's two weeks ago. They got everything they needed to start; e.g., mat, rulers, rotary cutter, scissors, etc. And, !!!, all three bought a new machine!!

Last Tuesday was our first night. We unpacked the machines, threaded them (we all had a good laugh at the fact that most of us couldn't see the needle hole to thread it! :-P ), and started practicing on some muslin I'd brought. They were so enthusiastic!!

Good sports all, even when the thread broke on one of the machines -- she'd used the smallest plastic cap on the spool, the spool being older had the niche to hold the thread in place when finished with it, and boy! did that niche work!! She'd stitched about 10" before the thread caught and snapped. We could have spent all night looking for why (thread tension? old thread?) but for some reason, I just happened to notice what had happened. I cracked up laughing because it brought back memories of when I'd done the same thing, years ago!

I'm glad to report that the night was full of laughter. We reached the stage of using the rotary cutter a couple of times before I told them my golden rule "Don't use sharp objects when you're tired!!" So, we put everything away until next week. I'm really looking forward to it!!
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