Old 04-29-2010, 01:14 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Livonia, MI near Detroit
Posts: 627

Just wanted to let participants know that it's taking me longer than I thought to fussy cut one of the fabrics. The other two are done. The designs were too far apart to just ruler cut and some of the squares would have had a kitty and some not. Couldn't send them out like that. Procedure done this AM to test if frying nerves in back will help pain; another test on Tuesday then they will do the actual procedure, so moving a little slow today. Will try to work on cutting more this evening after working on DQ. Just can't sit too long but will get them out ASAP. kysmommy2, glad the move went well. I don't envy you unpacking. Told DH that we are not moving until I can't get up the stairs anymore. It will be awhile, I hope. Gotta go, Benji, my little orphaned foster kitten, is crying for his bottle. Hopefully, I can get him on solid food soon.
Blessing everyone,
Wendy B
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