Thread: Two Down...
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Old 04-30-2010, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Shadow Dancer
Originally Posted by MaryAnna
Originally Posted by Shadow Dancer
Carolina Christmas finally finished! This was a mystery quilt on

Two down, Ocean Waves to go! :)
Shadow Dancer, What's your count down total? You've truly inspired me to get a grip on the UFO's around my place and start whacking the stack myself! Maybe in the heat of the summer, as it's way too hot in the south to be outside, so a little indoor activity, like quilting are in order! Your quilts are always stunning!
Kind Regards,
I have two more queen size quilts to finish, one of them being Ocean Waves. I will work on that and do a few rows then switch over to the other one just to take a break from all those half square triangles... working with 1 1/2 inch hst's gets monotonous after awhile and it's not like I'm going to get to the bottom of the pile anytime soon, there are over 2 thousand of the little suckers! lol

I have five smaller projects in various stages of completion and will fit them in between the two large quilts. I'm still not up to speed, some days it's a real chore to keep the motivation going...but I'm getting there.

My daughter is coming today for five days, she informed me that Saturday is 'girls day out', and we are going to do lunch and shop for fabric. :)
Wow! 2 thousand hst's in 1 quilt! You're braver than I! Yes, I'd have to take a break from that one and do something else for awhile! Well I spent this afternoon and part of the eve sorting stuff out. I've got 6 Christmas wallhangings to do, 4 bed quilts, 4 lap quilts, and an assorted number of sewing projects (not quilts). I'm sure if I dig deeper I might find a couple of more projects looming on the horizon.
I know you'll enjoy your 'girls day out' tomorrow with your daughter! And fabric shopping is always wonderful
Kind Regards,
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