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Old 04-30-2010, 06:30 PM
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Paper piecing takes some getting used to, but this pattern is pretty straight forward ...
Tips: use tiny stitches to break through the paper to make it easier to take out.
Carol Doak (premiere paper piecing professional) has a pad of special paper that you can buy ... lighter than computer paper, so tracing and removal is easier.
Do NOT cut pieces that will just fit in the space ... that will remove most of your headaches. Measure the longest and widest parts of each piece on the paper and cut fabric (or select fabric) about an inch bigger than the measurements ... this will insure that if there are any angles, you will absolutely have those areas covered.

Paper piecing is a backwards way of stitching a block, but goodness! You can stitch together an amazingly small tip of something by using this technique.
Your fabric is lined up on the backside of the paper, and you stitch on the side the lines are drawn on. It takes some adjustment to understand that you are actually stitching the piece in reverse of what the line drawn side looks like.
For example ... if you have a picture of a mouse facing east on your drawn side ... your mouse will face west when you are done.

Another tip is to fold the paper on the line that you are going to stitch on next. This weakens the paper fibers a bit so that they are easier to remove.

When you put the first piece on, the natural tendency is to put the fabric right side to the back of the pattern .... DON"T do that! Your second piece of fabric will go right sides together with the first piece, so obviously <g> the First piece goes face up on the backside of the pattern, the second piece right side down.

Also, as you stitch the pattern, you either have to backstitch at the start and end of each line OR! you can stitch two or three stitches before and after where the line is. It is important that you do that in order to make sure the stitches don't come out ... all of patchwork has to have seam lines cross, or use a backstitch ... otherwise, your pieces will come apart.

I am NOT an expert, but I have made enough mistakes to learn quite a lot <g>.
Is paper piecing hard to do? Depends on your learning curve and how patient you are with yourself.
There are some good tutorials online ... or go up to the search part of this site, type in "paper piecing" and you may find a good tutorial or lots of chat about it.
We look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

If it helps any ... the pattern you have chosen would be a GOOD candidate to learn paper piecing on <wave>
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