Old 05-21-2008, 09:51 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 1

Hi, this isn't as hard as it looks, but it does take some attention to detail. You need to take your time with the cutting so the triangles are accurate. I have only made the pattern using hexagons, I think the octagons ( she demonstrates both in the book) are harder.

With the hexagons pattern, you definitely need a design wall. You will never actually sew the triangles into hexagons!!! You sew 3 triangles together to make half a hexagon and you match the hexagon halves on the design wall, but you sew the quilt together in simple strips. You just need to be careful to get the half hexagons in the right order when you sew.

If you get a chance to take a class on this it might give you confidence and be fun. I am not an expert quilter but I was able to do this quilt and liked it.
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