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Old 05-22-2008, 09:04 AM
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Your quote regarding love being brought on the wings of angels is so true and you are one of the ANGELS! Bless you for doing the really hard job you do every day. You are surely making a huge improvement in the lives of children who are unable to escape the atrocities dished out by the adult humans in their lives. I did a similar job with protective services for 4 years then bailed out as I couldn't leave the ugliness of child sex and physical abuse at work. Thank you for doing what you are doing.

On a quilty note, I didn't read in the Quilt Rules and Regulations manual that you had to FINISH the quilts...if making quilt tops but not finishing the quilt works for you, go for it! The Quilt Police couldn't care less. YOU ARE A QUILTER!
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