Old 05-05-2010, 02:10 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Virginia
Posts: 198

London Square looks perfect, great name. I looked at a dozen or more quilts sort of like this and came up with two observations.
1. Most of the Ocean Waves (not all) had more triangles around the inner blocks than around the outer blocks. I think the only way this could happen is if you made all the squares complete with triangles and then stitched them together. That may have been the only way Ocean Waves quilts were made decades ago.
1. London square and any of the Ocean Waves made with the same number of triangles around each square are those made the same way as the London Square blocks: larger triangle, bunches of small triangles, larger triangle.

Things like this make me give a lot of credit to the women in the 1800s who didn't have the library books or magazines or internet to check for patterns and see how quilt blocks were made.

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