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Old 05-05-2010, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
Thanks everyone!
The first night was kind of rough... he cried on and off till 5 am :(
Didn't make a peep at the hospital, but now that he's home, watch out!
I fed him around 5, gave him a bottle because he was crying hysterically. Then he was fine till 8, cried again so I went to fix him a bottle and by the time I was back all he had needed was a good burp, lol!
I hate to wake him to feed him again... at the hospital they say every 3 hours, but I gave him formula this morning, and I know that takes longer to digest, so I guess I'll just wait till he wakes up on his own.
Congratulations! The first Mother's Day is so special. You'll get to know all his different cries for different needs. No need to wake him up to feed him. When I had my babies, the indicator the doc gave to make sure they were getting enough to eat was if they were thoroughly wetting at least 6-8 diapers a day. (That was 14 years ago so double check with your pediatrician to see if that is still reliable advice). Make sure that when he sleeps, you sleep. Housework can wait -- you need your rest. Have fun and enjoy him -- he's really cute!
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