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Old 05-07-2010, 04:27 PM
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I love going to the post office now!!!
I got a squishie from my Angel!! She is the best (she is and I don't want to hear any arguements!!!LOL)
She is so thoughtful she even remembered my girls!! They were so excited to think that she knew them too!!! They loved the postcards and 'inklings' and one pencil already dissappeared!! I received a beautiful pattern with a fat quarter with it as well as two more pieces of material!!! I also opened quilting needles, bias tape, quilters 1/4" tape and a beautiful pack of notecards!!! I am getting very spoiled!!! :oops: :D I just want to say think you so much!! It really means alot to me that you thought of my girls!!! I can't believe we still have so long to go before we find out who our angels are!!! Whoever my angel is - thank you from the bottom of my heart! To know that you are thinking of me and my girls makes it that much more special!!!

I wanted to post pictures but I am having a problem with the computer not liking my camera for some reason! I will post the pictures when the are on better terms!!!LOL
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