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Old 05-07-2010, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by butterflywing
they handquilt wonderfully well.

they stretch like mad, but pull back in with each washing.

before you wash, finish the edges very carefully or they'll fray so badly you won't have nearly as much as you need, so overbuy.

they get softer and softer with age.

there are various qualities - some quite poor. buy carefully and touch it first.
hold it up to the light and look at how thin it really is. it's hard to tell with all the sizing they put on it. the thin ones do not hold up.
I might just have to get a flannel to back it with if it handquilts well. I kinda know what NOT to look for. Do you have qualities that you do look for when you look for a flannel? I'm assuming thicker is better...I just want to make sure I can still quilt through it....but I know he would really love it if I put flannel on the back.
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