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Old 05-09-2010, 09:59 AM
Ramona Byrd
Super Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 4,188

I'm making a lap robe for my daughter's forth grade class in Killeen,
Texas, right out side Ft. Hood, a very large Army Post.

In her class are usually a lot of Army dependents, some of whom are
upset about Dad or Mom being sent off to war. So I'm making a quilt
that I'm also having fun with, it will have masses of ice cream cones of
flavors that even Baskin/Robbins will love! But the prettiest fabric I can
find for the individual cones is a large piece of heavy felt that I've washed
in hot water and dried. Even cut in cone sized pieces, it is very difficult to
pull apart.

Have any of you ever used felt in quilts? This one will most likely be washed
every week or so, considering how many germs most kids bring
to a school room! Her children absolutely love the school room's two plastic
adult skeletons, (kids who finish their lessons get to sit beside them) Fred and Ethel (who has her own story!) and a computer that runs pictures of baby animals for those who finish their lessons ,so I thought that a snuggle quilt of well loved desserts would comfort them.
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