Old 05-10-2010, 09:54 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Georgia, USA
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Originally Posted by jetnica
I'm still afraid!!! my design is applique heavy and i don't know if i'm good enough yet.

thinking of letting someone else "take" my design, and just embroider blocks...

anyone wanna take it up? I really want to see this block, but i'm afraid i won't do it justice. i will do it (however sad) if no one else will!
What you need to do is trace the pieces onto the paper side of a light fusible. {i use heat bond light} Cut them out on the line you drew, then cut the center out, leaving at least 1/4"-3/8" border to fuse to the back of your fabric. Cut around the edge and you have a piece to fuse to the backing square. All you need to do is fuse the edges, then satin stitch around the pieces when they have all been put in place. This way you will not be applique heavy. This is what you do with large pieces. You will be satin stitching the pieces in back first, continuing with each piece as it is layered.
You can do it! Try a sample, your stitching will improve the more you do. An open toed foot is a great help, but not necessary. Remember to use some type of stableizer on the back. Something that will tear off easily. :thumbup:
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