Old 05-14-2010, 05:32 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by Barbm
I read all of these and think the best values and deals are on the west coast- especially the Seattle area. Holy Cow! I see some here in PA but they are expensive. I'm looking for a treadle for $50 to learn on but I don't want a piece or garbage. Although- after reading about veneers- maybe I can do that too!
Go for the garbage!! You can repaint them if they are really bad off and they are a very common machine!!

I will paint one in a heart beat but I will do research on it first. If it is one of the common run of the mill machines like my Singer 27 or 66 that they made millions of them then that sucker is painted. Plus you saved one from the scrap heap and you can use it like you stole it with out worrying about hurting the decals.

But if it is a machine like the Jones treadle that I want to be married to, then I do not care if it has one speck of paint on it I would clean, oil and preserve the machine.

There is a fine line on when to paint it but with a little digging you can find it.

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