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Old 05-14-2010, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Originally Posted by ginnie6
Ok here's another idea on a dog...still a big one but very low metabolism so nowhere near as hyper as a lab and doesn't eat a ton. A Great Pyrenees. Now when you look them up you will see that they are livestock guardian dogs. What they won't tell you though is that they are incredibly sensitive dogs. They bond with whatever/whoever they grow up with. I know people who have them as medical alert dogs. Our first one Bandit used to let me know when my bp was up. he would come and stand against me and push till I sat down. I finally figured out what he was doing when he did that! Every single time my bp was up. Bandit even alerted us that dd was going to start having her periods. Our gp now is not that tuned in to me....he's still a pup though and is more tuned to dd. They are very big dogs though and require grooming but if you want a dog that is devoted and protective of your dd I can't recommend one enough. This is Tucker with my dd....she's 13 and 5' tall to give you an idea of size.
What a beauty, years ago my sister had Newfoundlands basically a black Great Pyreneese. My sis had a male that she showed then she got a female to breed and since she said the dogs would be married she named the female Bride. :lol: :lol:
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