Old 05-16-2010, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by sandpat
Oh gosh....Lesley....your kites are wonderful!!! I'll have to go back and count pieces before I get too much further along. I love how you did the block with your siggy and all the info...do you mind if I copy that???

I can't wait to see your quilt all together...you've been such an inspiration all along...hope you don't leave us when you are done! I'd feel all abandoned :cry:

I don't know what I'll do with my quilt when finished..probably like all the other ones, it will stay under a comforter in the guest bedroom...taken out to admire occasionally...waiting for us to build a house with rooms to display them. Thats just too funny about leaving it in your will....hmmmm...wonder who will take mine?
Be my guest, Patti, its nice to be inspirational and I wouldn't dream of leaving you all, I want you all to get to this nice feeling I am having at the moment. I am so much happier at the thought of having to do this dress when the fabric arrives, now that I have finished the blocks.

As for who will have your Jane when the time comes for you to go to the great LQS in the sky, then put it in your will and make it official. If you don't have a family member in mind, you could always leave it to a museum or quilt collection so that the public can enjoy it. Or what about a charity, for fund raising? I would rather do that than think it might end up in a dumpster or yard sale because its worth wasn't recognised.
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