Thread: Living Frugally
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Old 05-17-2010, 05:12 AM
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we're a family of 8. Three years ago dh left a high paying job and took a job that paid 1/3 of what he had been making. he literally had no choice in it though. it was that or his health...emotional and physical. It has been a really hard 3 years! We also were (still haven't finished) a major addition to our house. So money is almost non existant around here. I keep our grocery bill as low as I can which some months is $400. I shop Aldi's and Sams for a few bulk items like cheese and some white flour. I cook from scratch. That is my biggest money saver. the kids complain sometimes because there is nothing "fast" to eat though. And sometimes I get tired of it too. its a treat for them to have cereal or poptarts for breakfast! When they do its store brand poptarts that are on sale or the big bags of cereal. I make lots of dishes that stretch meat out. And usually we are blessed with a deer or two in the winter to help. I process and package them myself since that way they are free. I also raise chickens and meat rabbits to help. By the time I gather greens and let the chickens out a time or two each week that cuts down on the food bill. Plus I sell eggs to help with their food costs.
We heat with wood in the $ except for gas for the chainsaw and our time. We turned off our cable and house phone. Dh works out of town a lot so the cells are a better use of $ that way it doesn't cost us to talk. I shop goodwill for clothes or make what I can for us.
Oh and I make a weekly menu and shopping list...that alone helps cut the $ I spend. No extras or unnecessary purchases.
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