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Old 05-17-2010, 06:39 AM
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I really have to laugh about the second house. My dear brother lived just about that bad, but no pets, so at least, no bugs. My sisters and I were shocked everytime we went in the house. Kept saying it couldn't get worse, but it did. He kept everything! If he emptied a jar, he washed it and kept it, had every coffee can he bought, and plastic milk gallons. Would go to Sal. Army or goodwill and bring home all kinds of junk. And the house had a narrow path through it for walking. When he died, we filled a huge dumpster. On the other hand, he was clean, and if someone needed something, he usually could find it, but how he knew where to start looking dumbfounded all of us. I wonder since, how much stuff we threw away that was worth $$$.Once in awhile I see some antique item and think, oh my gosh, we tossed one of those. Sure miss him!!
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