Thread: Hello everyone!
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Old 05-17-2010, 09:20 PM
Rusty's Mama
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Thank you and thanks for the welcome. I will try to post some larger pictures soon - when I figure out what I am doing. Actually, this quilt was done as a 'baby quilt' for a friend of a co-worker who asked if I would make a baby quilt. I saw a pattern for a cute baby quilt with whimsical bugs, but the person commissioning the quilt wanted bugs/flowers that were true to nature. The quilt ended up double size and needless to say, was a lesson in learning not to say YES, I can do that, until more information is provided! The quilt was done from patterns in a book by Carol Armstrong - I think that was the quilt author. It has been awhile since I did the quilt!

Rusty's Mama!
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