Old 05-21-2010, 08:57 PM
nana pat
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Spring Valley, CA
Posts: 483

Originally Posted by mygirl66
If I'm going to dream, I'm going to dream BIG!
*have free coffee
*have free chocolate
*it would be next door
*I would have my own key so I could shop in my PJ's at 2 am
*friendly, smart people who LISTENED to what I want, not what they think I want
*free fabric on my birthday (not like the DMV, you pay them on your b day, dosnt seem right, they should say "happy birthday, heres your free sticker!" )
*a colorful room with toys and someone to watch the kids so a mom can touch n play with the fabric, instead of what happened last week, saw a little boy wipe his nose on a bolt of fabric, eewwwww
*no crabby/snotty people allowed
*open till 8 pm at least 2 days a week
*lots of different classes, and some for kids too
Thats all I can think of for now, Im sure more will come to me later!
You just described Cozy Quilts here in Sunny San
Diego, CA. They havent offered me a key yet, but I have parked my hiney in a wing back chair to peruse the books or fabs. and I have been to classes and they have some great patterns for the 2.5 in. jelly rolls. Nana Pat
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