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Old 05-23-2010, 08:49 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: New York
Posts: 332

Originally Posted by Katrine
From this lovely Asian fabric, I've tried to create a picture - of rock pools surrounded peonies and cherry blossom - carp playing in the whirlpools!

It is quite big (65 ins x 56 ins) so it was difficult to get a good photo and I eventually ended up with it on the floor.

The fmq "rippling water" in the borders looks light but is actually a variegated blue, and the fabric is darker than the photo shows it.
OMG!! I rarely send a "What a beautiful quilt..." message as so many are sent already! BUT ....this is sooooooooooooooooo beautiful and so creative. The fabric is stunning. I will be teaching a OBW to beginning quilters at the retires teachers' center in my town and I have never actually done one!!!! I took a course with Bethany...the lady who wrote a fabulous book on it....I bought another book on it....I bought two different fabrics to try it on and I will try it this summer so I know what to do and what not to do! My class knows I have not done this yet and they are laughing at my pain!!! We will have a great number of laughs but I am going to show them your gorgeous fabric and gorgeous work as well. May I photograph it from this site to do that? You have inspired me!!! Please let me know about the photographs. Thanks for your inspiration.
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