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Old 05-23-2010, 05:59 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 2,004

I drink water and coffee only whenever I am sewing. I am a very big water drinker. So there is always a glass or bottle of water within reach. Even if we go into a store, I have my bottle of water in my purse.

Once I am done for the evening that is a different story. I try and relax with a small glass of red wine. But go straight to bed after.

If I ever drank while sewing my 1/4" seam which I have a hard time at anyway, would probably wonder from 1" to 1 1/2" to 1/8" and so on.

I have not learned stippling yet, but maybe I should try that after having a glass. It might not be consistent, but it would be all over the place. :) :) :thumbdown: :thumbup:
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