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Old 05-24-2010, 04:49 AM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 4,564

Originally Posted by raptureready
Marsye, you think I'm plum evil?????
Well, yes, I suppose sometimes I am. I don't do that stuff to this hubby but the first one was an alcoholic. He wore that "Pinchy" underwear all day before he figured out what was wrong. LOL I also used to put a seam across the bottom of the left leg of his jeans. He always put the right leg in first. He fell down a lot.

One time he had to take a business trip and had to share a room with another employee. I spent the evening before sewing ruffles to the seat of several of his drawers and put them in his suitcase.

Yes, Gail, There is a Revenge A Claus!
OHMYGAWDOMIGHTY!!!! Will you move next door to me???? We would never get anything done!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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