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Old 05-24-2010, 05:37 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2009
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I was tired of a little patch of grass growing that no one seemed to want to mow. It was off to itself and usually forgotten when the lawn mower (yes a Deere here too!)was out. I went to Lowe's and bought a small electric mower and a very long cord. I came home and had the patch mowed in no time. I got busy doing something else and forgot all about the mower. This was the week before Mother's Day. Mother's Day what did I get? A brand new electric lawn mower, exactly like the one I just bought. LOL. DH thought I'd love it since I gripped about the patch of grass being missed all the time. He didn't notice the patch was mowed, he didn't notice my new lawnmower in the car garage, and he didn't think to buy a long cord. My DD was here for Mother's Day and said Oh, I can use one of the mowers so she took the one I bought and my cord.
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