Thread: EQ7
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Old 05-24-2010, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
I'm still debating about pre-ordering EQ7 I got EQ 6 for Christmas and have not used it a whole lot yet. Did get a class in.
I just got EQ6 four weeks ago and decided I like it so much that I went ahead and pre-ordered 7. You have to do it by the end of May and the prices are the lowest they will ever be. You can get the upgrade for an excellent price and the plus is there is NO limitations on installations of 7 like there is on 6. I'm only through lesson 3 in the book but am very comfortable with it and my husband and I talked it over. I was hesitant to order now but also didn't want to have to pay a lot more later when I was pretty sure I would want it. There are several good upgrades with 7 that are worth the money - the unlimited installations, 22 tutorials where as 6 only came with whatever is in the book 5 or 6 lessons plus other things. Recommend you go to and check out the videos and what all it will do and then decide. $66 total for the upgrade and that includes shipping. I just gave $159 to get 6 shipped a month ago and one day before delivery learned that 7 could be pre-ordered. I was all over their site looking and never saw a word about it so went ahead and ordered 6. They really should have given me the option to pre-order and wait for 7 but such is life. It's great software and they are a reputable company so it's worth the money if you can afford it.
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