Old 05-24-2010, 06:39 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by EC
A number of family members rode the donkeys down into the Canyon a couple of summers ago. They're still talking about it. Said it was gorgeous. Cabins were off limits at that particular time so they couldn't spend the night, some work going on. Sounds like you've packed this plan with a lot of fun sights. I see that the east coast is not on your agenda this time, but if and when it is, let us know. We've got a spare room.

The east coast might be a good thing to do next year if I can talk my buddy in buying a bike. But I do not think we will be gone for the whole month like I am going to do this time. But if I head to the north east I will be sure to look you up!!!

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