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Old 05-25-2010, 03:16 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Maryland and Florida
Posts: 91

That's beautiful! and it gives me motivation to finish my room. I got so disgusted with all the STUFF in my sewing room the other day, I opened all six drawers of my 3 file cabinets, some containing quilt patterns, but most related to my former life as a teacher and student. I got all the stuff out, went thru most of it, shredded lots of stuff, and recycled loads of paper. I will take one file cabinet to the basement, one I will give away, and only one will stay here in my closet, with my quilting stuff. Then I'll have to go thru all the books, etc. on the bookshelves, take them downstairs or bring them to my guild library, and bring up my fabric. It's been a long haul, but maybe someday in the not too distant future, I can send you all a picture of a neat, organized sewing room.
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