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Old 05-25-2010, 03:20 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by feline fanatic
To each his own. I am an avid motorcyclist. I ride an HD Road King and have ridden half way across the country and back twice. I have taken numerous motorcycle safety courses and on occasion I will ride without a helmet in states where it is legal (I'm not saying that is a good thing just a matter of choice). However to undertake a road trip of that magnitude without proper gear IMHO is asking for trouble. At the very least you should have jeans, some sort of jacket and good riding boots. You never know what kind of weather you will hit in the middle of nowhere. Hypothermia can set in just getting caught in a freak summer thunderstorm. That bike looks pretty well "beastified". You have a son who needs you. At the very least have some protective gear with you like a few extra layers and don't ride in shorts and sneakers. I figure I can tell you this until I am blue in the face and you will do what you want. All it will take is one good pipe burn and a june bug hitting you in the shin for you to opt for jeans and boots.
You definitely make a good point and I was thinking of adding a sweat shirt to the blanket. I just now was looking at a photo of the bike and I think your on to something there with the pipe burns. The pipes that will be with my bike are shorter but still in the same spot.

I just remember riding my "Choppers Inc" bike all summer last year with shorts on (I hate jeans) and never came close to getting burned. But the pipes on it were super short and tight against the motor and they dumped right at the rear of it.

I might change up the wardrobe a bit after riding it around for a week to see how it handles and acts. And your right it is a beast of a bike!

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